Sunday, March 25, 2012

Flash Mobs- RAISE THE WAGE!!

Blog post by Tina Winterlik © 2012!/zipolita @zipolita Google+

Oh Wow! This is the coolest video of  Flash Mob. Black Eyed Peas performing for Oprah's 24th season. My friend shared it with me on Facebook this morning and it got me thinking. I have this crazy idea, let's put a little buzz out there. Anyone living in Vancouver knows that the minimum wage is IMPOSSIBLE TO LIVE ON!

Now some people think that raising the minumin wage is not the answer and you can see some opinions here.

But I disagree. At $15 an hour, a single parent could actually work part-time, ideally between 10-2 and still be able to earn enough to actually pay the rent and buy opposed to having to be on Social Assistance or depend on someone for help.  

Things may go up but these people could actually afford to buy extras.  As it is, these people can not even make the groceries last the entire month because there is just not enough money to do so. There is no extra money for anything and people on assistance are not even allow to earn extra or it's clawedback.

I have alot of reasons why we need to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour but the most important is that which I'm telling you right now "it would pull a ton of children out of poverty". 

B.C. has the HIGHEST poverty rate in Canada. It's shameful and it needs to be changed.

There are a ton of single moms and dads that want to work but they can't pull in the money they need to care for their kids and actually be there for them. 

These parents who are working full-time and barely seeing their kids and having strangers raise them would instead be able to work while their child is in school and be able to spend quality precious time with their children.  Their children could grow up into healthy happy adults KNOWING their parent was ACTUALLY  there for them and NOT at work. 

These parents, they don't want to be part of the welfare system. Jagrup Brar has shown what an evil unfair and abusive system it is and how it creates more poverty than it solves.

Anyways, I have an idea of how to bring awareness to this and to create a positive form of protest.

A Flashmob.

 I know just the song- we need to change the words and we need to choregraph it but it would be so cool and so much good will come from it. So what do you think, shall we get this ball rolling. Share and spread the word about this post. Please contact me Facebook if you like this idea and want to be part of it.

It should be done soon.  The plan is to raise it to $10.25 in May 2012. We need to change that to $15. Gordon Campbell dug this hole that we are in, maybe Christie Clark can do the decent thing and right a horrible wrong and make the children of this province a PRIORITY and help their parents care for them and raise them in a healthy happy way and raise them and their parents out of poverty.

NOTE: Canada sticks it's nose into alot of other countries problems and wags a finger but there's no place like home and in your own backyard. So come on B.C. let's clean up this mess. FOR THE CHILDREN'S SAKE. For our FUTURE. 

Anyone can start a Flashmob, why can't we?

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